Breastfeeding 201: When it Hurts
Last post, we discussed the basics of breastfeeding. This time, we are going to go a little deeper into the challenges with breastfeeding.
Here are some conditions that could happen while breastfeeding:
Sore Nipples
If someone was munching on any part of your body for an extended period of time several times a day, it would be sore. That nipples are sensitive makes it even more uncomfortable. For the most part, the soreness will let up in about a week. If you are experiencing extreme pain, visit with a lactation consultant for help.
Letdown Failure/Hyperactive Letdown
The Letdown reflex is what starts the pumping. Failure to do this is rare, but can be caused by stress. Sometimes you can be prescribed an oxytocin nasal spray, but you can also stimulate the reflex by practicing relaxation techniques. Conversely, Hyperactive Letdown is when the milk comes out too quickly, and could be coming from both breasts. Moms with this challenge can try expressing the milk to be saved for later until the flow becomes more steady and then letting the baby nurse.
This is exactly what it sounds like, too much milk is being produced. If the breast isn't completely drained by the end of the feeding, the baby misses out on the higher fat content milk that comes towards the end of feeding (hindmilk). This is also very painful for the mother. One way to manage this to let your baby feed at one breast while pumping the other. You can also put some cold cabbage leaves or cold compresses on your breasts to help.
Similar to hyperlactation, this can happen to new moms or moms who nurse/pump infrequently. New moms don't have the schedule down yet and may misjudge the time needed between feedings. Her body also needs to catch up to the demand schedule. If you are experiencing this, you should express the breast until it is no longer hard to make it easier for the baby to latch on. A combination of warm showers and cold compresses can help as well.
Plugged Duct
This sounds painful and gross. Your breasts have many little ducts that bring milk to the nipples, and sometimes these can get blocked. Blockages can happen when the breast is not completely emptied and milk stays in the duct for extended periods of time. It will feel like a knot. Using gentle massage techniques and warm showers can help unblock the duct.
This is what happens when you don't take care of a plugged duct. This is worse than a plugged duct since it is can also cause a fever and flu-like symptoms. If you mastitis, please keep nursing. Pump by hand or with an electric pump if you need to. If you don't see improvement within 24 hours, head to the doctor's.
What about medications?
Obviously, don't just take medications willy-nilly. This is good advice regardless of your situation. It is a little more involved when breastfeeding though since you will need to be certain that there isn't a risk to your baby. There are plenty of options for medications that won't affect your baby so you don't need to stop or pause breastfeeding. Some medications that are safe to take may reduce the amount of milk produced, so stay in contact with your lactation consultant or doctor if you are taking these meds. If you are unsure about a medication, head to This database with over 3,000 references is run by the National Institute of Health and is primarily for new Moms.
Obviously, don't just take medications willy-nilly. This is good advice regardless of your situation. It is a little more involved when breastfeeding though since you will need to be certain that there isn't a risk to your baby. There are plenty of options for medications that won't affect your baby so you don't need to stop or pause breastfeeding. Some medications that are safe to take may reduce the amount of milk produced, so stay in contact with your lactation consultant or doctor if you are taking these meds. If you are unsure about a medication, head to This database with over 3,000 references is run by the National Institute of Health and is primarily for new Moms.
A galactagogue is something that will help promote breast milk production. The following herbs can be taken to help increase the flow of milk:
- Anise
- Astralagus
- Milk Thistle
- Caraway
- Celery Root
- Fenugreek
- Goat's Rue
- Hollyhock
- Hibiscus Flower
- Lemongrass
- Marshmallow
- Stinging Nettle
- Raspberry
- Rauwolfia
- Verbena
- Castor Bean
- Jasmine Flower
- Fresh Parsley
- Sage
Check My Sources:
Brown, Judith E., et al. Nutrition through the Life Cycle. Cengage Learning, 2017.
Brown, Judith E., et al. Nutrition through the Life Cycle. Cengage Learning, 2017.
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